
This page contains a list of my most important hobby projects. Some are quite advanced and sophisticated applications or libraries, while others are just small tools or experiments I made for fun. All of them, and most of my smaller projects can be found on my GitHub. Just click on a box to find the project!

  • TX8

    TX8 is a fantasy console I created, inspired by old gaming systems like the SNES. I designed a custom instruction set and hardware specification, and wrote an emulator for it in C++. Currently, you can assemble and run tx8 assembly programs via the cli. In the future, I plan to add graphics, sound and music capabilities.

  • Scar

    Scar is a game engine for the Crystal Programming Language. It is built on top of the SFML library and aims to provide a batteries-included approach to building 2D games. I built it because Crystal as a more niche-language did not have a good game library available, and I wanted to explore how I would build a game library for myself.


    This website serves as my portfolio and central source of information about me, and hosts my blog (at least it contains the very few posts I wrote haha). It is built using SvelteKit. Learn more about it in the blog article by clicking on this box.

  • Cocktail Coach

    Cocktail Coach is a web app me and my friends built for a hackathon in 48 hours. It is a collection of cocktail recipes recipes we sourced from a free database. It allows full text searching recipes, saving an ingredient list and filtering by it, drink recommendations and more. Check it out using the link on the GitHub page!

  • SortViz

    SortViz is an experiment I conducted to learn about GPU programming. It is a visualization tool for various sorting algorithms, written in C++ and OpenGL. It runs in a web browser as well using Emscripten (link on GitHub).

  • Terutil

    Terutil is a collection of really small cli tools I wrote mostly for personal use. Each of them solves a specific problem I had while working on my Linux machine. I wrote them because it's fun to write small tools like this, and because I wanted to improve my workflow.